Showcase & Investor Registration OBN Member Early Bird Company Showcase Presentation (Available until 7 April) Member Early Bird Price This is a company showcase presentation ticket for OBN Members that includes 1 x delegate pass for the whole day and 1 x 5-minute company showcase presentation
Member Early Bird Price Price: £400.- Buy Ticket Non-Member Early Bird Company Showcase Presentation (Available until 7 April) Early Bird Price This is a company showcase presentation ticket that includes 1 x delegate pass for the whole day and 1 x 5-minute company showcase presentation
Early Bird Price Price: £500.- Buy Ticket Showcase Presenter - Guest Standard Price This ticket allows one guest of a confirmed company showcase presenter to attend BioSeed
Standard Price Price: £200.- Buy Ticket Investor Ticket Standard Price BioSeed Investor tickets are strictly for those actively seeking new seed stage investment opportunities in the life sciences industry
Standard Price Price: Complimentary Reserve Ticket OBN Corporate Sponsor Standard Price Valid only for current OBN Corporate Sponsors
Standard Price Price: Complimentary Reserve Ticket
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